Internal vs. External Views on Medium — how you can make money on both

What is the difference between external vs. internal views on Medium? Why do they matter?

Tina Lopez
6 min readDec 30, 2021


Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

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Are you a new writer on the platform trying to create an extra stream of income?

Are you a seasoned writer but want to make money beyond just the internal reads from Medium subscribers?

No matter your experience with the platform, it’s safe to conclude that Medium is a great platform to make passive income off of.

You write an article, drive traffic, and then get paid out on the individuals that read your articles.

Before we dive into this, I encourage you to read this article first:

Whether you are new to the platform or a seasoned writing veteran, let’s get into the definition and differences between Internal and…



Tina Lopez

I help creators build marketing machines that drive leads & revenue w/out relying on socials 📩 🔗